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Ebay 相较亚马逊资产非常轻,但由于Ebay 定位的C2C 市场远小于亚马逊定位的B2C 市场,因此收入体量发展到现在仅是亚马逊的1/5。Ebay 创造出一个生态圈的商业模式看上去比亚马逊轻,不用花费巨资投资仓储和IT 系统平台,也不用为自营商品占用资金,但由于其定...
基于线下影像中心延伸至线上的远程读片,较纯轻资产的云服务平台更有优势。 (1)轻资产的远程读片平台难点不在于技术,而在于如何获取稳定、高附加值的片源。 (2)线下的独立影像中心是流量入口,在中心体系内提供远程读片服务比纯粹轻资产的读片云平台更...
原则 1、 必须符合国家、地方有关法律、法规、规章制度的要求。 2、 符合以 病人为中心,以临床服务为本的原则。系统必须能够为 病人和医疗保健服务提供所需信息,同时保证与病人有关的信息私密性和安全性,当病人授权时方可调阅和传输。 3、 身份识别唯一性...
提供对入网医院(如:卫生院)的影像信息采集诊断系统,具备基本的PACS功能。对于小的医院,TDS远程客户端可以作为该医院的PACS解决方案使用。这样能够保证在与中心端医院的网络通信出现故障的时候,客户端医院的影像检查和诊断工作能够正常进行。 1)为病人...
Consistency. Quality results for each exam. With the Dot engines Apply your clinical MRI standards everytime. With the Dot engines your MRI exams are standardized for consistency. Apply your standard to the clinical question at hand (body...
Dot. Go for consistent results, efficiently. In 2009, Siemens introduced the Dot workflow technology, today comprising 9 Dot engines loaded with Siemens automation functionality and efficient scanning optimizations. In 2014, Dot brings all...
power to succeed Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others? Fight the most threatening diseases and understand disorders? Advance human health? With the new Siemens 3T MRI scanner MAGNETOM Prisma, you can. A valuable collabor...
The power to explore Enter new areas of MRI research and set the future trends in healthcare. Exciting applications will open up new possibilities to help you visualize functional processes and better understand diseases. Choose your own r...
Conventional MR imaging uses one RF pulse. In higher field strengths (3T) this may lead to shading artifacts. In 2007 Siemens introduced TimTX TrueForm as the B1 shimming solution. TimTX TrueForm uses different amplitudes to reduce shading...
TimTX TrueShape is Siemens architecture for parallel transmit. The aim of TimTX TrueShape is not to overcome hurdles at 3T such as dialectic shadings. For this, Siemens has introduced TrueForm technology as standard with all 3T scanners si...