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  • [优越的梯度性能] 优越的梯度性能 日期:2016-06-27 00:17:11 点击:102

    Outstanding gradient performance 80 mT/m @ 200 T/m/s simultaneously, on all three axes Ultra-high-performance cooling Force-compensated design for reduced vibrations Benefits: Significantly increased SNR, unprecedented long-term stability a...

  • [功率比(Power to outperform)] 功率比 日期:2016-06-27 00:10:08 点击:59

    In the most demanding MRI research projects based on extensive long-term studies, you profit from a powerful, robust MRI machine. MAGNETOM Prisma is your 3T PowerPack for virtually unlimited imaging and innovation capabilities....

  • [特点与优点] 特点和优点 日期:2016-06-27 00:01:56 点击:200

    When it comes to tackling the most demanding MRI research challenges, MAGNETOM Prisma is the unique and powerful 3T MRI platform at your side. Excel with the finest in MRI technology. Enter new areas of research with innovative applications...

  • [概要] Prisma 3.0T 概要 日期:2016-06-26 23:55:08 点击:142

    The new Siemens MRI Scanner MAGNETOM Prisma1 is the 3T PowerPack for exploration it offers a unique 3T MRI platform to help you tackle the most demanding MRI research challenges of today and tomorrow. Its breakthrough design delivers maxim...

  • [Prisma 3.0T] Prisma 3.0T 网站内容 日期:2016-06-26 22:42:35 点击:118

    The new Siemens MRI Scanner MAGNETOM Prisma1 is the 3T PowerPack for exploration it offers a unique 3T MRI platform to help you tackle the most demanding MRI research challenges of today and tomorrow. Its breakthrough design delivers maxim...

  • [西门子] 关于Prisma 3.0T 日期:2016-06-26 22:22:11 点击:56

    具备FDA的7T磁共振 为了弥补以往3T与7T科研平台的巨大差距,西门子推出业界顶级科研型3T磁共振Prisma,具备与7T相同的射频发射TrueShape雕刻平台,可以提供未来无限的开发潜能;具备超越7T的人类连接组学(Human Connectome Project,HCP)梯度;具备超越7T的...

  • [CT性能参数谈判中的要求] CT的性能参数 日期:2016-06-26 19:00:38 点击:118

    1. 性能参数 扫描架 孔径 倾斜角度 驱动方式 滑环类型 冷却类型 焦点到等中心点距离 焦点到探测器距离 2. 扫描床系统 水平移动范围 水平床速 定位精度 承重 最小步进幅度 最低离地高度 防碰撞安全保护装置 3. X线发生器 功率 高压调节范围 4. X线球管 热容量...

  • [Discovery CT] DDiscovery CT 日期:2016-06-25 22:48:10 点击:179

    宝石能谱 CT 2014上市超高端能谱CT,全国75%三甲肿瘤专科医院选择并使用GE宝石能谱CT,北京地区37台装机。 SSF冠脉冻结技术,高心率下不吃药心脏成像,辐射剂量业内最低; 全身能谱扫描,实现肿瘤定性定量分析, Siemens: Flesh with Stellar 光子双源 Philips...

  • [GE] Silent MR 日期:2016-06-25 22:26:03 点击:202

    3.0T MR 唯一实现静音,0TE扫描的磁共振; 3D ASL 不打药定量化脑灌注扫描,实现脑卒中早期检出,定量化疗效评估; 0TE血管成像,无伪影干扰,提高复杂脑血管畸形,胶质瘤等疾病的精准诊断; IDEAL IQ 精准定量化平台 无创脂肪定量分析 肿瘤定性定量分析与疗...

  • [GE] GE DR 日期:2016-06-25 22:08:40 点击:124

    2015年上市功能型高端悬吊DR; 41*41cm移动功能碘化铯整板; GE独有双能成像,与组织均衡技术,20%提高病变检出率;电动升降床,最快成像流程;总后集采超100台。...
