3TMRI是高性能临床MRI的同义词,也是研究的同义词。对于3TMRI,我们的期望是推动和重新定义在诊断成像中所能达到的限度。它将使您与众不同,为您的具体临床需求服务,并帮助您的研究作为一个临床卓越的中心。Magnetom Vida的 性能超过了3TMRI所设计的具有无可比拟的磁铁和梯度功率的性能水平,以支持今天MRI所面临的临床、操作和财政需求。
采用无与伦比的磁场和磁场梯度功率的全3T性能 提别的3T磁场设计 An exceptional 3T magnet design The foundation of MAGNETOM Vida is an all-new, exceptional 3T magnet that incorporates aspects of Siemens Healthineers’ ultra-highfield research scanners. MAGNETOM Vida delivers not only a large Field-of-View, but also excellent homogeneity throughout the entire measurement volume. The result: robust andreliable fat saturation throughout the entireimaging volume, especially important in abdominal or off-center applications. Large Field-of-View applications and long-boneimaging will profit from this as well. Magnetom Vida 的基础是一个全新的,特别的3T磁铁,它结合了西门子医疗的超高速研究MRI扫描仪的各个方面。Magnetom Vida不仅提供了一个大视场,而且在整个测量容积中提供了很好的均匀性。其结果是:整个成像体积中的脂肪饱和度都是强有力和可靠的,尤其是在腹部或中心外的应用中尤为重要。大视场应用和长骨成像也将从中受益。 新磁场梯度水平 A new level of gradient power MAGNETOM Vida distinguishes itself with a gradient strength of up to 60/200 simultaneously, powered by the strongest gradient amplifiers with up to 2.7 MW per axis – offering the power previously only available on 3T research scanners, now in a patient-friendly 70 cm scanner. Clinical as well as research MRI applications such as diffusion-weighted imaging benefit greatly from powerful gradients through the increased SNR – up to 25% more than with conventional gradient systems – as well as increased scan efficiency5. Magnetom Vida 以高达60/200的梯度强度来区分自己,它由最强大的梯度放大器提供支持,每轴最高可达2.7 MW - 提供以前只能在3T研究扫描仪上使用的电源,现在使用的是一台对病人友好的70厘米孔径扫描仪。在临床和研究中,磁共振成像的应用,如弥散加权成像,由于信噪比的增加而获得了很大的好处 - 比传统的梯度系统提高了25%,扫描效率也提高了【5】。 Frequalizers 确保长期频率稳定性 Ensure long-term frequency stability with Frequalizers Demanding applications can induce temperature changes, leading to center frequency shifts and decreased image quality. To avoid this, an array of temperature sensors ensures stability throughout the entire measurement. The benefit: The scanner always stays on resonance. This ensures higher consistency and reproducibility of results, especially when it comes to follow-up examinations. 苛刻的应用产生温度变化,会导致中心频率偏移和图像质量下降。为了避免这种情况,一组温度传感器确保整个测量过程的稳定性。好处是:扫描仪总是保持共振。这确保了结果的一致性和重现性,特别是在后续检查方面. ![]()
BioMatrix: a paradigm shift in MRI to sense patient respiration prior to scanning, to adjust to any patient’s body, and to simplify and speed up challenging interactions. BioMatrix:是磁共振成像的一种模式转变,在扫描前就可以感知病人的呼吸,适应任何病人的不同解剖,并简化和加速具有挑战性的人机相互作用。
GPU-accelerated Inline Compressed Sensing Access patient groups previously excluded from MRI. MAGNETOM Vida redefines 3T performance with a new reconstruction architecture that brings Compressed Sensing applications into the clinical routine. High-quality images based on substantially undersampled data allow for much faster acquisitions, enabling free-breathing examinations in cardiac and abdominal MRI. A powerful reconstruction engine employing parallel GPU computing delivers five times faster【7】 reconstructions of complex compressed sensing data sets, finally making it viable in the clinical routine. 以前被排除在MRI之外的病人组。Magnetom Vida 用一种新的重建架构,重新定义了3T性能,将压缩传感应用纳入临床应用程序。基于大量样本数据的高质量图像可以获得更快的数据,从而能够在心脏和腹部MRI中进行自由呼吸检查。使用并行GPU计算的强大的重建引擎,提供了5倍快的复杂压缩传感【7】数据集的重建速度,最终使其在临床上可行。 Optimizing Total Cost of Ownership Effective energy management ensures that the exceptional performance of MAGNETOM Vida is provided in a resource-friendly manner. Intelligent power management solutions, such as magnet cold head EcoPower or disabling of power-consuming components during scan breaks, contribute to overall energy savings of up to 30% compared to the industry average(COCIR average of MRI vendors8). In addition, MAGNETOM Vida reduces costs even further – additional construction costs are avoided, since siting requirements are the same as for conventional 70 cm 3T systems. 有效的能源管理确保 Magnetom Vida 的卓越性能以一种资源友好型的方式提供。智能电源管理解决方案,如磁铁冷头EcoPower或在扫描中断期间禁用耗电部件,与行业平均水平相比,总节能高达30% (MRI供应商的COCIR平均值8)。此外,Magnetom Vida 还进一步降低了成本-避免了额外的建筑成本,因为选址要求与传统的70 cm3 T系统相同。 ![]() Compressed Sensing for free-breathing exams. Parallel GPU computing delivers 5 times faster and fully inline reconstruction. BioMatrix 线圈:提供更高精度、灵活性和速度的新一代超高密度线圈.
集成的 CoilShim 技术在BioMatrix Head/Neck 20 和 BioMatrix Head/Neck 64中确保了挑战颈部区域的自动和最佳均场,以保证每个患者的可重现性。
The new BioMatrix Body 124 provides a seamlessly integrated Beat Sensor2. It is designed for automatic cardiac triggering – without the need for ECG leads.
New ultra-high-element-density coils with patient adaptive design. For orthopedic applications, the new Shoulder Shape 16 and the new Tx/Rx Knee 18 deliver greater flexibility to accommodate larger patients through their anthropomorphic design.
The new UltraFlex 18 Large and UltraFlex 18 Small combine ultra-high coilelement density with high flexiblilty, for multipurpose imaging. Compared to standard 4-channel flex coils, resolution can be increased and acquisition can be accelerated by upto 54%【5】
Uncompromised image quality – even during a biopsy: the new breast coil design of the Breast BI 7 allows all coil elements to be included in the exam. The new Breast BI 7 provides better and a more homogeneous distribution of SNR than conventional 8-channel breast coils. To aid the biopsy procedure, user-friendly features like LED lighting make the coil easy to use.
一个新的工作环境。两个监视器可以全面概述扫描环境,减少计划、扫描和后处理之间的上下文更改。巧妙的交互和自动化步骤使工作更容易。 ![]() Magnetom Vida以其完整的3T性能为技术人员提供了一个新的工作空间。新的同步MR XA平台从经过验证的syngo Mr E11软件线演变而来,它提供了一个可选的双监视器扫描工作场所,具有更大的显示器,以及重新组织的用户界面,以获得更舒适的扫描和查看体验。这种双监视器设置与单独的扫描和查看监视器提供了一个更自然的布局,为技术员提供了一个完整的检查和结果概述。新的用户界面减少了不断的上下文切换和用户分心,从而实现了真正的多任务处理,从而提高了质量和效率。 |